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Summer is here, and it’s hot as blazes! (That means the weather is extremely hot).

Here are 15 English words and expressions using the word hot:

#1 – hotline / 热线

A hotline is a telephone line that gives quick and direct access to help or information. For example, the police might have a domestic abuse hotline that people can call if they are being hurt in their homes by family members. A city might have a tourism hotline that tourists can call to get information.

#2 – hotbed / 温床

A hotbed is a place that provides especially good conditions for something to grow or develop. The thing that develops can be bad or good – for example, a department in the government can be a hotbed of corruption, or an area like Silicon Valley can be a hotbed of innovation.

#3 – hotshot / 高手

The word hotshot describes a person who is very skilled and successful… and often implies that this person is very confident and maybe a bit arrogant, showing off their success. My friend’s father is a hotshot lawyer who has worked on some of the most famous cases in the country.

#4 – hotheaded / 易激动的

A person who is hotheaded is easily angered; they are quick to lose their temper. I once had a hotheaded client who would yell at me for making a mistake.

#5 – selling like hotcakes / 热销

If a product is selling like hotcakes, it means a lot of people are buying the product very fast. A popular singer’s new CD will be selling like hotcakes as soon as it is released.
如果说一件产品“selling like hotcakes”这意味着产品抢手热销,卖得很快。一位流行歌手的新CD可能一发布就会很抢手。

#6 – a hot spot / 热点

This expression has two meanings. It can refer to a region where there is a lot of active conflict and violence. For example, if two countries were fighting about some territory on their border, and attacking each other, that would be a hot spot. It can refer to a place that is lively (a lot of activity) and popular, like a nightclub or a busy tourist place.

#7 – a hot-button issue / 热点话题

A hot-button issue is a controversial topic that people often have strong opinions about, so it can make people get passionate, emotional, or even angry when discussing it. Things like abortion and immigration tend to be hot-button issues.
hot-button issue指有争议性的话题,人们通常会对其有鲜明强烈的立场,因此这样的话题会让人投入讨论,情绪化,甚至在讨论的时候生气。像堕胎、移民这样的话题就是热点话题。

#8 – hot off the press / 新鲜出炉(指书、杂志、报纸等)

This expression refers to a publication (a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.) that has been printed and released very recently.

#9 – full of hot air / 夸夸其谈

Saying someone is full of hot air means the person is full of nonsense; they are saying things that are ridiculous and shouldn’t be taken seriously. For example, “Marketers are full of hot air. They make all these promises and then things are never as good as they claim.”
如果说某个人“full of hot air”,那就意味着这个人在夸夸其谈,竟说一些无厘头的事情,不能当真。例如,“搞推销的只会瞎扯,他们就会开空头支票,最后结果没有一个像他们承诺的那样好。”

#10 – hot under the collar / 脖子发热

If you are hot under the collar, it means you are angry. This expression refers to the fact that when you get angry, you often feel your body temperature rising.
如果你“hot under the collar”,那就说明你生气了。这个表达之所以如此,是因为人生气的时候,脖颈部分的温度经常会上升。

#11 – in hot water / 水深火热

To be in hot water means to be in trouble, especially in a situation where you will be punished or someone will be mad at you. If your boss discovers you’ve been using your time at work to play computer games, you’ll be in hot water!
“In hot water”意味着你有麻烦了,尤其指那种你会受到惩罚、别人会因你做得不好而生气的情况。如果你的老板发现你上班时间玩电脑,那你就等着感受一番“水深火热”吧!

#12 – have the hots for someone / 迷恋一个人

This expression is an informal way to say “romantically/sexually attracted to someone.” For example, my sister has the hots for a guy in her writing class; she can’t stop thinking about him.
这个表达是用来描述“生理上 /心理上受某人吸引”的感觉的随意说法。比如说,我的妹妹对她写作课同班同学颇有迷恋,日思夜想,简直停不下来。

#13 – hot to trot / 摩拳擦掌

If someone is hot to trot, it means they are ready, willing, eager and enthusiastic to start something or to go ahead. Let’s say your company proposes a partnership with a non-profit organization; if the organization seems very excited about it and wants to move forward right away, they are hot to trot.
如果说某个人“hot to trot”,那就说明这个人已经摩拳擦掌、迫不及待、热情满涨地想要大干一场了。比如说,你的公司提出和一个非营利组织建立合作关系;如果那个组织对这个提议十分感兴趣,并且想要马上开始,那他们就是“hot to trot”。

#14 – hot on someone’s heels / 紧追不舍

In a race or competition, being hot on someone’s heels means to be immediately behind them, in close pursuit. For example, the second-place runner can be hot on the heels of the runner in the lead. Or a company that is leading the market by a small margin might have a competitor that is hot on its heels.
在一场比赛中,“being hot on someone’s heels”意味着在某人之后紧追不舍,寸尺赶上。例如,跑步比赛中的第二名如果距第一名很近,那就是在其后“紧追不舍”。或者一个仅仅以微薄优势领先市场的公司,可能就会有一个紧追不舍的竞争者。

#15 – strike while the iron is hot / 趁热打铁

This expression means you should take advantage of especially good conditions to take some action now.

For example, if you want to buy a house and there is a sudden drop in house prices, you should strike while the iron is hot and buy a house now while the prices are low.


Kandongsee (看东西)是由来自中国和西方顶尖大学的“学霸团队”创办的,旨在为中国学生剖析西方文化并介绍真实的留学生活。

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