

短语俚语 |






"What word do you hate and why?" is the intriguing question put to a selection of poets by the Ledbury festival. Philip Wells"s reply is the winner for me - "pulchritude" is certainly up there on my blacklist. He even explains his animosity in suitably poetic terms:


在莱博里诗会上,我们就这个有趣的问题向一干诗人提问。菲利普•威尔斯的回答我觉得是最绝的——“反正pulchritude(美丽)这个词肯定在我的黑名单上。” 他说道。他甚至把对这个词的反感写成了诗:

"it violates all the magical impulses of balanced onomatopoeic language - it of course means "beautiful", but its meaning is nothing of the sort, being stuffed to the brim with a brutally latinate cudgel of barbaric consonants. If consonants represent riverbanks and vowels the river"s flow, this is the word equivalent of the bottomless abyss of dry bones, where demons gather to spit acid."


For Geraldine Monk, "it"s got to be "redacted" which makes me feel totally sick. It"s a brutish sounding word. It doesn"t flow, it prods at you in a nasty manner."


Both these poets understand that the key to words that make you feel nauseous is not the meaning - it"s easy, after all, to hate the word "torture" – but something else entirely. Something idiosyncratic, something about the way the word feels in your mouth as you say it. The horrors of "membrane", for instance. Or the eccentricity of "gusset".


Having said that, I"m still trying to get my head around Paul Batchelor"s explanation that "I"ve always hated the word "APPAL" (or "appalled" or "appalling") because I dislike hearing the sound of my name inside other words." I can"t work out if there"s a case of extreme ego or extreme self-hatred going on there.

好了,我的理论说完了。可我还是没想通Paul Batchelor的解释:他说,“我一直讨厌‘appal(惊骇)’这个词,你看我的名字的发音是这个词的一部分,这很烦。” 我不知道Paul是极度鄙视这个词还是极度鄙视自己。

And I can"t help feeling that Ros Barber misses the point with her rather po-faced reply. "Words are to be loved. Their associations may be unpleasant but words themselves are full of poetry (and history, and geography)," she says. "Delicious vowel sounds and tongue-tickling consonants. There isn"t a word in the English language that doesn"t excite me if I think about it long enough."

我还老觉得Ros Barber颇为一本正经的回答没有抓住问题的关键所在。“词语可都是用来爱的。它们的含义可能让人不快,但是词语本身都充满诗意啊(还充满历史意义、地理意义呢)。” 她说道。“美味的元音们和让舌头发痒的辅音们啊,我只要闭上眼睛想一会儿,英语的语言世界里面没有一个词不让我浑身兴奋。”

Sorry, Ros, I can"t agree. I"m with Rhian Edwards on "chillax" - "the most unnecessary and obnoxious linguistic blend to have ever been coined". Except possibly for "no-brainer"...   更多信息请访问:http://www.24en.com/

抱歉,Ros, 不敢苟同您的意见。我赞同Rhian Edward说的词“chillax(放松)”——“这是个最无聊最讨厌的合成词”。可能“no-brainer(易事)”也得算一个……

Whether it"s "hubby" or "sassy" or "webinar" – what are the words that make you wince?

是"hubby(丈夫)", "sassy(野蛮女友)" 还是 "webinar"(网络会议)?什么词儿让你很不爽?


chatterbox用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)机关枪,(二次大战时)防空高射机枪英汉词典参考: chatterbox英语学习 -短语俚语
highhigh用法一用作形容词的意思:1 (饮酒或吸难)喝醉的,被麻醉的用法及例句:They went out for the evening to get high, and for no other reason 他晚上出去就是去买个醉,并没存其他原因。He was high on mari英语学习 -短语俚语
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woodenhead用作名词的意思:愚笨的人,笨蛋,傻瓜用法及例句:You’re just acting like a woodenhead 你做事情简直像个木头疙瘩。英语学习 -短语俚语
bedroom eyes用作名词的意思:勾引人的、诱发性欲的眼睛用法及例句:George’s wife had blue bedroom eyes 乔治的妻子有一双勾人魂魄的蓝眼睛。Beware of bedroom eyes They mean trouble 要提防诱人的媚眼。它们意味着麻烦。英语学习 -短语俚语
猴年话“猴”(选自《英语世界》2016年第2期)文 李绍青吉羊款款而去,灵猴粉墨登场。十二生肖之中,“申猴”是智慧灵气的象征,深受世人喜爱。自古以来,关于猴的神话传说、民间故事很多。印度历史悠久的伟大史诗《罗摩衍那》原以梵文写成,以神猴&ldquo英语学习 -短语俚语
acid pad用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)1 毒品注射窝2 瘾君子注射毒品聚会英汉词典参考: acid pad英语学习 -短语俚语
nit用作名词的意思:1 零,无,什么都没有用法及例句:He said nit 他一句话也没说。The risks were close to nit 几乎没什么风险。2 (英国俚语)蠢人用法及例句:If you think I would be willing to allow you to bo英语学习 -短语俚语
come用作动词的意思: 装出…样子,假装用法及例句:Don’t come the idiot with me!别跟我装傻!英汉词典参考: come英语学习 -短语俚语
acid trip用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)迷幻游(服用迷幻毒品后的幻觉体验)英汉词典参考: acid trip英语学习 -短语俚语
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