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 零五英语编者按: 习主席关于两岸关系的重要表述——共圆中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。

Making joint efforts to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.


As Xi Jinping has emphasized, "The Chinese Dream is the dream of people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and it will take the joint efforts of us all to make it a reality."


The Chinese Dream is tied closely to the future of Taiwan. In order to make the shared Chinese Dream a reality as soon as possible, people on both sides of the Straits should stand by each other, devoting themselves to the rejuvenation of the nation regardless of their party affiliation, social strata, religion, and place of origin.


Working to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations.


Both sides of the Straits should consolidate the common foundation of adhering to the "1992 Consensus" and opposing "Taiwan independence," deepening the common understanding of safeguarding the One-China Framework. This foundation is the anchor of cross-Straits relations: only when it has been set firmly in place will cross-Straits relations be able to stay steady in the face of any storm.


We treat all our compatriots in Taiwan as equals, and extend our welcome to all those who are willing to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations, regardless of what views they may have held in the past.


Advocating the notion that "both sides of the Taiwan Straits are one family."


Chinese people living on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are members of the same family, sharing ties of blood and a common destiny.


The notion of one family is rooted in our blood and ethos, and in our common history and culture. All compatriots in Taiwan are our dear kin, regardless of which province or ethic group they hail from.


We respect the social system and lifestyle they have chosen. Moreover, we are willing to use kinship to heal the wounds inflicted on Taiwan compatriots by history, and work together with them to build a bright future for the Chinese nation.


Gradually creating favorable conditions for resolving inherent political differences between the two sides of the Straits.


In the words of Xi Jinping, "Looking to the future, the long-existing political differences between the two sides must eventually be resolved. We cannot keep on passing these problems down from one generation to the next."


Chinese people on both sides of the Straits have the wisdom to find a solution to these problems. Working within the One-China Framework, we are ready to engage in equal consultations with the Taiwan side in order to arrive at fair and reasonable arrangements.


Deepening economic cooperation between the two sides of the Straits and sharing development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots.


As Xi has pointed out, "We are willing to let Taiwan compatriots be the first to share the Chinese mainland"s development opportunities."


Proceeding on this basis, we will ascertain the actual needs of people in Taiwan, especially ordinary people, and take effective measures to benefit vulnerable groups so that more people in Taiwan can gain from economic exchanges and cooperation across the Straits.


At the same time, we hope that high-level economic dialogue and coordination between the two sides can be further stepped up in an endeavor to take economic cooperation across the Straits to a new level.


This will involve a range of efforts to accelerate the expansion of cooperation in industry, increase two-way investment, deepen cooperation in financial services, and explore new approaches to cooperation.


Building mutual trust between compatriots and fostering stronger ties between youths on both sides of the Straits.


Active efforts are therefore needed to facilitate broader contact between people of all circles and walks of life on both sides of the Straits. Through face to face interactions and heart to heart exchanges, we will be able to further mutual understanding and shorten the distance between us.


Xi Jinping has placed a particular emphasis on contact between people at the grass-roots level and youths on both sides of the Straits. He has stressed that all Taiwan compatriots, especially ordinary people, should be able to benefit more from the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.


Youths hold the key to the future of cross-Straits relations. We need to work out more ways of facilitating interactions and contact between young people on both sides of the Straits, ensuring that they recognize the trend of peaceful development across the Straits and that they feel the momentum behind the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


This will put them in the position to shoulder the responsibility of opening up a new chapter in cross-Straits relations and making the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation a reality.

不遗余力拼音:bù yí yú lì解释:遗:留;余力:剩下的力量。把全部力量都使出来,一点不保留。出处:《战国策·赵策三》:“秦之攻我也,不遗余力矣,必以倦而归也。”《史记·平原君虞卿列传》:“秦不遗余力矣,必且欲破赵军。”翻译:1 spare no effort to do我们最熟悉的spar英语学习 -英语翻译
大公无私拼音:dà gōng wú sī解释:指办事公正,没有私心。现多指从集体利益出发,毫无个人打算。出处:汉·马融《忠经·天地神明》:“忠者中也,至公无私。”用法:作宾语、定语、状语典故:春秋时期,晋平公问大夫祁黄羊谁担任南阳县令合适,祁黄羊推荐解狐。然而,解狐是祁黄羊的杀父仇人,晋平公不禁大惊英语学习 -英语翻译
The Crown came under fire last week after producers revealed Matt Smith was paid more than Claire Foy for the first two seasons of the Netflix drama ?英语学习 -英语翻译
草菅人命拼音:cǎo jiān rén mìng解释:草菅:野草。把人命看作野草。比喻反动统治者随意谑杀人民。出处:《汉书·贾谊传》:“其视杀人,若艾草菅然。”典故:秦朝第二任皇帝胡亥在幼年时师从赵高。赵高心理奸诈刁刻,手段狠毒残忍。因而胡亥所学的都是些有关斩杀、割鼻、断筋、甚至夷灭三族的酷刑及其手英语学习 -英语翻译
从容不迫拼音:cóng róng bù pò解释:从容:不慌不忙,很镇静;不迫:不急促。不慌不忙,沉着镇定。出处:《旧唐书?刘世龙传》“而思礼以为得计,从容自若,尝与相忤者,必引令枉诛。”语法:作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义翻译:形容词:1 composed and steady经验丰富的老教授在台上英语学习 -英语翻译
嗤之以鼻拼音:chī zhī yǐ bí解释:嗤:讥笑。用鼻子吭声冷笑。表示轻蔑。出处:《后汉书·樊宏传》:“尝欲作器物,先种梓漆,时人嗤之。”翻译:1 sniff at放在半年前,他一定会对这种做法嗤之以鼻。If it were half a year ago, he would have sn英语学习 -英语翻译
大吃一惊拼音:dà chī yī jīng解释:形容对发生的事感到十分意外。出处:明·冯梦龙《警世通言》第28卷:“则一张那员外大吃一惊,回身便走,来到后边,望后倒了。”用法:作谓语翻译:1 表示“惊”的形容词词组有:be startled at be astonished at be ast英语学习 -英语翻译
这一期要讲的两个成语是背道而驰和背井离乡。背道而驰拼 音:bèi dào ér chí?释义:背:背向;道:道路;驰:奔跑。朝相反的方向跑去。比喻彼此的方向和目的完全相反。出处:唐·柳宗元《〈杨评事文集〉后序》:“其余各探一隅,相与背驰于道者,其去弥远。”典故:魏国的臣子季梁,奉命出使到外国途中听到英语学习 -英语翻译
英语组一等奖宋怡秋(自由译者)二等奖刘正飞(嘉兴职业技术学院)朱瑞旻(北京大学)三等奖王喆(金陵科技学院)朱琼敏(德国耶拿大学)陈欣言(北京师范大学第二附属中学)优胜奖李亚迪(复旦大学)张文宇(辅仁大学)杨恺(上海外国语大学)李慧(四川外国语大学)徐阳(自由译者)柳晓萍(福英语学习 -英语翻译
语言专业的学生,常常遇到很多许久不联系的老同学求助,要么是翻译论文摘要要么是翻译公司文件。不提报价,只谈交情,末了会说:你这英语水平随便翻翻就行了,很快的。几乎所有同专业的同学都遇到过这类情况,也变相折射了大众对翻译的态度:会点英语就能翻;翻译很简单;翻译不值钱。中国的翻译源远流长,但如今的翻译市场英语学习 -英语翻译
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