

英语口语 |






What"s your healthy habit?



获得187.1k好评的回答@Venkatasubramanian Meenakshisundaram:

?Drinking a liter of water empty stomach as soon as I get up.


?No coffee or tea; teetotaler


?No water while taking food. Drink water about 20 to 30 minutes after food.


?Avoid beverages, instead take fruit juices without sugar or just plain water.


?Drink 3 liters of water every day.


?Eat always on time. If delayed, better skip and have fruits rather than having late food that upsets my system.



获得5.3k好评的回答@John Smith:

I drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. My breakfast is always oatmeal with blueberries, raisins, and walnuts. I usually put turmeric on top, and add a little raw honey. Never sugar. I’m a Beekeeper, so I have lots of honey. I have a cup of green and black tea mixed. No teabags. Most teabags are unhealthy. I also take a few vitamins, and a low-dose aspirin. Plenty of water, but no more food until about 2:00 pm.


I never eat white bread. It’s almost devoid of nutrients. I never use white sugar. I cook with olive oil.


I never fry anything. I sometimes make sliced potatoes, or sweet potatoes, or broccoli, carrots, or other veggies, with olive oil and spices, but broiled or baked. Not fried.


I do eat meat, but mostly chicken or turkey, and never eat charred meat. Burned food is carcinogenic.


I try to never eat anything that doesn’t have some nutritional value about it.


I meditate every morning before eating, thank God for giving me life, and ask for wisdom, guidance, and compassion.



(翻译:菲菲) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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