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Gal Gadot brought strength, beauty, and femininity to the big screen when she played the powerful role of Wonder Woman.

盖尔·加朵(Gal Gadot)在电影《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)中饰演的女强人一角向观众展示了力量、美和女性气质。

And on January 11, Patty Jenkins, the director of the blockbuster hit, will present Gadot with the #SeeHer Award at the 2018 Critics’ Choice Awards in Santa Monica.

1月11日,票房大片《神奇女侠》导演派蒂·杰金斯(Patty Jenkins)将在圣莫尼卡授予加朵2018美国评论家选择奖 (Critics"Choice Awards) “看到她"荣誉奖( #SeeHer Award)。

The #SeeHer initiative, led by the Association of National Advertisers, seeks to recognize women who are pushing boundaries and fighting for realistic female portrayals in the media. And this year, Gal fit the bill.

“看到她”荣誉奖由全国广告主协会(Association of National Advertisers)发起,旨在发掘促进男女平等、在媒体中展现真实风貌的女性。今年加朵获此殊荣。

With that kind of success, ANA CEO Bob Liodice took notice.

全国广告主协会首席执行官鲍勃·利欧戴斯(Bob Liodice)对《神奇女侠》的成功格外注意。

‘We"re honored to recognize Gal this year with the second annual #SeeHer Award. Not only was she able to challenge stereotypes in film and find success by starring in one of the biggest blockbusters this year, she also used that success to shine a light on her own industry and push the boundaries on gender equality in real life,’ he said in a statement.


It took 35 years before the superhero had her own lead in a TV show and then another whopping 41 years before the character landed her own film that was directly focused on her story line.


She talked with ABC News about the responsibility that she has now as a public figure.

加朵告诉美国广播公司(ABC News),作为一个公众人物,她身担责任。

"You certainly feel the pressure, this character means so much to so many and you do feel the weight of the responsibility by portraying her," the actress said.



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