

音标与发音 |






爱思英语编者按:凯特王妃(Kate Middleton)上周在伦敦的Place2BE Headteacher Conference发表了主题为儿童心理健康的演讲。







I often get asked why I decided to spend time highlighting the mental health of children. I imagine my answer might be similar to many of yours. I know that I was lucky. My parents and teachers provided me with a wonderful and secure childhood where I always knew I was loved, valued and listened to.

But of course many children are not so lucky. Since beginning my work in areas like addiction, for example, I have seen time and time again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood are almost always present in unresolved childhood challenges.


Hearing Kate Middleton"s voice is like a total eclipse of the sun, a rare gift that comes along only about once a year.



Thank you Catherine for that kind introduction. I was delighted when I was asked to help open today"s conference.

I want to start by saying a big thank you to all of the head teachers here today. I know how much is asked of you.

The fact that you are all committing your valuable time to support Place2Be, and prioritise the mental health of your students is something that all parents should be grateful for.

I often get asked why I decided to spend time highlighting the mental health of children. I imagine my answer might be similar to many of yours.

I know that I was lucky. My parents and teachers provided me with a wonderful and secure childhood where I always knew I was loved, valued and listened to.

But of course many children are not so lucky. Since beginning my work in areas like addiction, for example, I have seen time and time again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood are almost always present in unresolved childhood challenges.

I am sure you will agree that all children deserve time, attention and love from the adults in their lives. These basic qualities are so much more valuable than the always changing material and social concerns that can seem so important to young people.

As today"s theme reminds us, many children – even those from stable, happy homes – are finding that their heads are just too full. It is our duty, as parents and as teachers, to give all children the space to build their emotional strength and provide a strong foundation for their future.

Of course, not all children have the anchor of a strong family. Many will arrive through your school gates feeling a real lack of love and devotion in their lives. This often leaves them feeling insecure and without confidence and trust in the world around them. That is why your work is so important.

Parents, teachers and other school staff need the tools to help these young people early in their lives. And the earlier, the better. It is proven that early action prevents problems later in life.

Imagine if everyone was able to help just one child who needs to be listened to, needs to be respected, and needs to be loved – we could make such a huge difference for an entire generation.

As head teachers you have the chance to reach tens of thousands of children during your careers, and make an impact on a great scale. Thank you for making the work of

Place2Be part of your mission. I hope you know how much your work is valued.

Thank you – I am really looking forward to the rest of the afternoon.

英语里元音可分为单元音(12个)和双元音(8个)。今天,小编就来给大家讲解元音的发音技巧及发音方法,一起来看看吧! 单元音(12个): 单元音可分为长元音和短元音。 i: ? ?: ? u: ? ?: ? ɑ: Λ e 英语学习 -音标与发音
爱思英语编者按:你不得不知的发音技巧(上)。你不得不知的发音技巧(上)一、失音(不完全爆破)由于失去爆破是失音的一种现象,摩擦音也会被失去,所以统称为失音。注意:爆破音并不是完全失去,仍然形成阻碍,把气流堵在里面,但不爆破,稍作停顿,直接发出相邻的辅音。失去爆破6个爆破音有3对 p , b , 英语学习 -音标与发音
爱思英语编者按:标点符号大家都会用,可是你知道它们的英文读法是怎样的吗?下面就是为大家总结的标点符号英文读音大全。+  plus 加号;正号-  minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷英语学习 -音标与发音
英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。今天,小编就来给大家讲解辅音的发音技巧及发音方法,一起来看看吧! [p]双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。[b]双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带需振动。[t]舌尖抵上齿龈,憋住气,英语学习 -音标与发音
英语里元音可分为单元音(12个)和双元音(8个)。今天,小编就来给大家讲解元音的发音技巧及发音方法,一起来看看吧! [i:]字母组合 ee ea e ie --three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teac英语学习 -音标与发音
爱思英语编者按:今日学员发来信息说“发音界”有了大事,让我着实激动了一下;结果链接发过来一看,就是很早之前我语音教学的内容之一,就是我和我的学员口中的“小诗”。张嵩:英语发音,你需要了解的几个技巧小编说:今日学员发来信息说“发音界&rdqu英语学习 -音标与发音
爱思英语编者按:掌握基础训练以及克服中式发音,就可以在小伙伴们面前拽一下啦~一、基础训练英式语音的基础训练其实很简单,但是“很简单”和“很容易实施”或者“很容易达标”是截然不同的。但持之以恒,一定会收效颇丰!1 &ldquo英语学习 -音标与发音
爱思英语编者按:英语的发音分为美式发音和英式发音,与美式发音的洒脱个性相比,英式发音的优雅,高贵,纯正让很多人向往不已。学好英音,让你在说话的同时散发出贵族的魅力,爱英语的团妹在这里为大家整理了一些英式发音的小窍门,让你轻松突破口语瓶颈,征服皇室英音。英式发音的特点英式发音给人的第一感觉是语音抑英语学习 -音标与发音
爱思英语编者按:在一个投票里,英国人选出10个他们认为发音最有挑战性的单词,但是中国人可不这么认为了,10个单词,你怎么看?Many have said that sorry is the hardest word but they’d be wrong, linguistically英语学习 -音标与发音
英语里元音可分为单元音(12个)和双元音(8个)。今天,小编就来给大家讲解12个单元音的发音技巧及发音方法,一起来看看吧! 单元音(12个): 单元音可分为长元音和短元音。 i: ? ?: ? u: ? ?: ? ɑ: Λ e英语学习 -音标与发音
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