

英语学习法 |







We’ve all heard a thousand times that the only way to really learn English is to be totally immersed in the language, completely surrounded by it everywhere you go. But we wanted to go deeper than that and find quick and easy ways to start getting immersed. So our research team put together 10 steps that you can follow, in this order, to make learning English faster and a whole lot more fun.

1: Find some English radio stations and podcasts in iTunes

There are tons of podcasts about all topics imaginable these days: entertainment, politics, news. A good way to find one is to look for a podcast from a TV channel you usually watch in your cable TV. Look for one that interests you and listen to it in your car while driving. You’ll train your ear that way!

2: Check out the Top Videos on YouTube and watch for at least a few minutes

Most of them are hilarious! It will be so worth it. Try looking at the comments to pick up some words and sentences you aren’t familiar with, but be careful there is all kinds of bizarre stuff in YouTube comments.

3: Talk and sing to yourself in English

When you are alone at home, or of course in the shower, start talking! Sing a song in English the way it sounds to you, talk about the weather or any other topic. Do this frequently and your pronunciation will drastically improve – guaranteed!

4: Do you have an English-speaking idol? Go to YouTube and watch all of his/her interviews in English

You can spend hours doing that listening to interviews and it sure won’t feel like studying. But it is! It helps you a great deal.

5: Sit near people who are speaking English on the bus or in the park. Listen in…

Okay now don’t be a creepy eavesdropper! But, see what words you can pick up and listen to the flow of the conversation. How much did you understand? What general topic were they talking about? Did you hear an interesting word you might want to look up after?

6: Pay attention to billboards, signs, advertisements, magazine stands and establishment names

Look and think about what these ads mean. How many words do you recognize? Did you see that same word elsewhere? Make up sentences about what you’re seeing.

7: Love music? Try figuring out the words/lyrics of your favorite songs

Watch video clips with lyrics on YouTube and sing along. Read the translation and build up your vocabulary. Listen to “clean” versions of songs and try to figure out what dirty words were taken out. It’s fun!

8: Watch TV clips, episodes or soap operas in English

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand what they’re saying, watch anyway! Try to understand why something is funny or sad . If the joke is related to the word itself, then maybe that is why the joke does not make sense in your native language. What would be the best translation into your language then?

9: Engage in a conversation on Facebook with friends who post in English

When you have English speakers in your timeline, you see their posts daily and get inside information about news and viral videos in English. Your friends can be your teachers! Their timeline basically sort out the best material for you to study.

10: Produce, produce, produce. No matter how shy you are or how much you don’t “get” English, force yourself to speak

Help out a tourist who looks lost. They won’t mind you struggling with the language while you’re doing them a favor! After class, talk to your teacher about how things are going and what you need help with in English. When traveling, ask around for directions in English, even if you don’t need them! Try purchasing things online and by phone, or using customer support in English.

It does not matter if you talk slowly, you are learning, that’s only natural!

BONUS TIP: When seeing a new movie look up the original title on IMDB.com

The translation sometimes does not correspond directly to the original. Find out what the original title really means. Ask yourself how the translation makes sense. What is the relation to the movie? You will never forget a new word that once it’s associated with an unforgettable movie. Works every time!

关于怎样采用不同的方法学习,以更快地提高成绩,下面是一些有用的参考。1 Study Every Day坚持每天学习Its important to study English every day However, dont exaggerate! Study for thirty mi英语学习 -英语学习法
05英语编者按:英语学习方法很多,因人而异,来和小编一起看看这位英语达人是怎样学习英语的吧! 以下为英语达人的经验分享: 学英语十多载,对于学英语的好处,本人是深有体会的,不管是出国旅游,还是升职加薪,又或者看美剧,听歌曲,看国外的参考文献,都非常轻松,毫无压力。 下面我来给大家分享点儿英语学习 -英语学习法
You may have memorized endless lists of vocabulary, you may know all the grammar needed to hold any conversation and still find yourself at a loss whe英语学习 -英语学习法
05英语编者按:在学习一门外语的时候,作为准留学生的你可能会有些紧张。因为你知道,听中国老师讲课并完成作业并不是你学习外语的最终目的。你真正想要达到的是能够通过这门语言和人们交流,或是能够独立地在那个国家生活。好消息是,如果你已经成功收到了国外大学录取通知书,完成了留学申请所需的语言测试(例如雅思英语学习 -英语学习法
What are some great study tips, for those who feel they do not study properly?觉得学习质量很差?有哪些行之有效的学习方法可供推荐?获得102好评的回答@Great Performers Academy:Space ou英语学习 -英语学习法
英语的重要性就不必多提啦,如果有一天你要工作走上你自己的岗位,有一天你要出国跟着朋友们去旅行,你却发现自己对英语一窍不通,语言障碍成了生活与工作中的烦恼。也许你是个严重偏科的理科生,英语从来不及格,也许你学生时代叛逆从不认真学习英语导致自己英语基础几乎为0,也许你学过几年英语却因为时间久远早已忘得一英语学习 -英语学习法
05英语编者按:针对英语学习给大家分享10个大家学英语的误区。1 太想依赖于别人提高自己的英语水平人人都想学好英文,但是有好就有坏的,有强就有弱的。英语还没有好起来的人面对好起来的人不仅仅是羡慕,还有更多关于学习英文的问题。互相分享学习经验没有错,错在我们花在了解如何学英语上的时间太多了,而没有真英语学习 -英语学习法
05英语编者按:考研英语,一直是大多数同学头疼的一门科目,而单词就是导致同学们头疼的导火索之一。 每天背了忘、忘了背如此恶性循环,到最后记住的单词却没有几个,有的同学在这种情况下就放弃了单词。其实同学们,仔细想一想,在这么久的英语的学习中,你的方法用对了吗?你背单词的方法正确吗?如果都没有尽力的英语学习 -英语学习法
05英语编者按:“学会第二种语言,就拥有了第二个灵魂。” 这是神圣罗马皇帝查理曼的名句。如他所言,学习一门或多门外语的好处,除了显而易见的知识增长之外,还有很多。 学习外语成为“双语者”的好处: 1 双语者对语言有敏锐的洞察力,对周围的英语学习 -英语学习法
你正在准备考试或在为工作准备演讲吗?你正在寻找新工作吗?你正打算出国开始新的生活吗?原因很多,但它确实存在。有时我们可能会陷入一种情况,那就是我们必须快速学习英语。如果这碰巧发生在你身上,我想给你一些实用的建议。1 First of all, don’t panic It does not he英语学习 -英语学习法
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