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Snapchat?has created 3D Friendmojis so users can put cartoon avatars of themselves and a friend in an augmented reality (AR) world. 

日前Snapchat推出了3D Friendmojis,用户可以把自己和朋友的3D卡通形象放到一个增强现实(AR)环境中。

Friendmoji is built on the 'Deluxe' version of the company's?Bitmoji app that means users can create more realistic personal avatars in World Lenses. 

Friendmoji是基于该公司之前推出的应用Bitmoji 的“升级版”,用户可以在World Lenses中创造更加真实的形象。

Bitmoji are personal emoji that can be sent to other Snapchatters as a sticker in Chat and on Snaps.

Bitmoji 可以既可以在聊天中以贴纸的形式发送给其他Snapchat用户,也可以用在照片上。


Released last month, this updated version has hundreds of new physical features, including a range of hairstyles, skin tones and accessories that can be used to create animated characters.


According to the company users are now spending on average three minutes per day using AR.


Unlike the previous Bitmoji app, all features - such as makeup and high heels - can be applied to both male and female characters.

不同于Bitmoji ,升级版所有的功能,如化妆和高跟鞋,都是男女通用的。

Bitmoji Deluxe is available for use on Snapchat, iMessage, Google Gboard and other Bitmoji-compatible apps.

这个应用可以在与Bitmoji兼容的一切平台使用,如iMessage, Google Gboard。

The feature was introduced to Snapchat in 2016, but now the firm has introduced 'Bitmoji deluxe' to give you a broader set of character features to choose from.

Snapchat 于2016年引进emoji技术,如今它又推出了‘'Bitmoji 升级版’,使用户有更多的选择。

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