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The former One Direction star, 23, didn't look fazed by any potential awkward reunions as he whipped the crowd into a frenzy while dressed in a dapper pale blue suit.

这位23岁前One Direction乐队的明星,当他穿着偏回的蓝色西装,在人群中掀起一阵狂潮时,看不出有任何潜在的尴尬和狼狈。

He applauded the girls as they did their thing on the catwalk, modelling the famous brand's latest designs during the fashion spectacular.


]Neither Sara Sampaio, Georgia Fowler and Nadine Leopold were distracted by the singer's presence, instead all three delivered confident and sexy performances.

超模Sara Sampaio, Georgia Fowler 和Nadine Leopold也没有因为这位歌手的出现而分心,相反,表现得非常自信又性感。

All three beauties were romantically linked to the star in 2015 although none of the flings developed into serious romances.


They're not the only VS models to have caught his eye either, with the star romancing Camille Fowler and having previously been linked to Cara Delevingne and Kendall Jenner.

她们三位都不是唯一被哈卷看上的,当他和Camille Fowler谈恋爱之前,已经和Cara Delevingne和Kendall Jenner发展过关系了。

Harry put on a fashionable display himself switching from his blue suit into an equally as suave black one.


Sara, Georgia and Nadine each sizzled in shimmering lingerie and elaborate feathered wings, not to mention their teetering heels.

Sara, Georgia和Nadine每个人都穿着闪闪发光的贴身内衣和佩戴者华丽的羽毛翅膀,更不用说她们摇摇晃晃的高跟鞋了。

Back in July we revealed Harry and Camille Rowe were dating.The pair, who share a friend in model Alexa Chung, 33, went to a gig in New York together at the time.

回望7月份,当时Harry和Camille Rowe正在约会。这一对情侣那时在纽约碰面,他们有一个共同的33岁的模特朋友Alexa Chung。

Dunkirk star Harry's close friend Nick Grimshaw nearly laid bare the secret during an interview with the star.

哈卷的好哥们——Nick Grimshaw,曾经在《敦刻尔克》中饰演角色。在与另一位明星谈话时,不小心说出来这个秘密。

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