

试卷与练习 |










( ) 1. I have ______ egg. You can have it.

A. a B. 不填 C. the D. an

( ) 2. My birthday is ______ May and his birthday is ______ March 26th.

A. in; in B. in; 不填 C. for; 不填 D. at; on

( ) 3. Does Helen like ________? Yes. She likes eating apples, pears and bananas.

A. vegetables B. sports C. fruits D. clothes

( ) 4. How do you eat at school? We eat _________.

A. well B. good C. nice D. fine

( ) 5. Does Peter like geography? ______. He thinks it is boring.

A. Yes, he is B. No, he doesn t C. Yes, he does D. No, he isn t

( ) 6. ______ is his birthday? It is December 19th.

A. How B. What C. When D. Where

( ) 7. ______? He is thirteen.

A. How old is he B. How is he

C. Where is he D. How much is it

( ) 8. How much are the shorts? ______ 20 dollars.

A. It is B. They are C. He is D. You are

( ) 9. Hi, Nancy. Are you _______ now? Sorry. I have some things to do.

A. healthy B. busy C. fat D. free

( ) 10. We have ______ at 7 in the morning.

A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. dessert

( ) 11. ________ do you like history? Because it is interesting.

A. When B. How C. Where D. Why

( ) 12. Let s go to Lihua Clothes Store.

OK. They _______ all the clothes at very good prices.

A. buy B. find C. sell D. call

( ) 13. Grace doesn t like math because she thinks it is ________.

A. difficult B. fun C. useful D. interesting

( ) 14. What s the ________ of the book? 5 dollars.

A. time B. price C. date D. color

( ) 15. Can I help you? ______

A. Yes, please. I want a hat. B. You re welcome.

C. I m fine. Thanks. D. Here you are.



Mr Clark goes to a dinner party in old clothes. He comes into the room, but the people in the room don t look at him. They don t ask him to sit at the table.

Mr Clark goes home and puts on (穿上) his good clothes. He goes back to the party. People in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat.

Mr Clark takes off his clothes, and puts them in the food and say, Eat, clothes!

The other people ask, What are you doing?

He answers, I m asking my coat (外套) to eat food. When I am wearing my old clothes, you don t look at me. You don t ask me to sit down. Now I am in these clothes. And you give me very good food. Now I know, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!


( ) 16. How does Mr Clark goes to the party at first?

A. With his friends. B. In old clothes.

C. With good food. D. In good clothes.

( ) 17. When Mr Clark comes to the party in good clothes, people ______.

A. don t know him B. don t look at him

C. don t ask him to sit at the table D. are good with him

( ) 18. Mr Clark asks ______ to eat the food.

A. his coat B. his old clothes C. his parents D. the people

( ) 19. Takes off means (意思是) ______ in Chinese.

A. 买下 B. 收起 C. 脱下 D. 拿走

( ) 20. From the story (故事), we know ______.

A. Mr Clark takes some good food to the party

B. Mr Clark does not like the people at the party

C. The people at the party don t know Mr Clark

D. Mr Clark was not good with the people at the party


Mr Hand is busy every day. He has a big clothes store. He usually gets up at 6:00. After brushing his teeth, he does some running. He has breakfast at 6:30 and takes a bus to his store at 7:00. His clothes are cheap (便宜的). So many people go to his clothes to buy clothes. He usually has lunch at 11:30 in the store. For lunch, he usually eats burgers, salad or oranges. He gets home at about 19:00. He has dinner with his families his wife (妻子) Julia Brown and their daughter Nancy Hand. They like chicken, broccoli, salad and tomatoes. After dinner, he takes a shower (淋浴). Then he watches TV. He goes to bed at 21:30.


( ) 21. Mr Hand usually gets up at 6:30.

( ) 22. Many people buy clothes in his store because His clothes are cheap.

( ) 23. Mr Hand has lunch at 11:30 at home.

( ) 24. Mr Hand has dinner with his wife and daughter at home.

( ) 25. Mr Hand watches TV after he takes a shower.


A) 从以下方框内选出适当的单词完成句子,使句子意思通顺。每词限用一次。

short, question, finish, sale, but

26. Alice likes math, ____________________ she doesn t like geography.

27. This skirt is too long. Here is a ___________________ one.

28. Come and buy your books at our great _______________________.

29. We have classes at eight and our classes _______________ at 3: 50.

30. My first _______________ What s your favorite sport?

B) 根据句意和汉语提示填写单词。

31. The sweater is not mine. It is ___________________ (她的).

32. I like math. I think it is __________________ (容易的).

33. ________________________ (蔬菜) are healthy food.

34. The yellow T-shirt is _______________________ (十八) dollars.

35. There are 24 ___________________________(小时) in a day.

C) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

36. Bob is 9. February 27th is his ______________________ (nine) birthday.

37. There are two _______________________ (library) in our school.

38. The sweater ____________________________ (look) nice. I ll take it.

39. We like apples and pears. We eat ____________________ (they) for breakfast.

40. I have a blue jacket and my sister ______________ (have) a black jacket.



41. 我们必须向我们的老师请求帮助。

We must _______________ our teacher ________________ help.

42. 让我们看电视吧! 那听起来很无聊。

Let s watch TV. That _______________ ________________.

43. 本学期我们每天上一节英语课。

We have two English classes every day _______________ ________________.

44. 他们在星期六下午打网球。

They play tennis on _______________ ________________.

45. 九月十号是教师节。

_______________ ________________ is Teachers Day.



A: Welcome to our store? (46)_________________________?

B: I want to buy my son a pair of sports shoes for his birthday.

A: (47)__________________________________?

B: His birthday is next Monday.

A: You are a great mother. (48)________________________________?

B: He is 14 years old.

A: We have great sports shoes here. (49)_________________________?

B: He likes white.

A: What size (尺码) does he need?

B: He needs size 26.

A: How about this pair? They are nice and cheap.

B: Let me see. They look great. (50)_________________________?

A: They are 30 dollars.

B: OK. I ll take them.



My school life

Dear Sally,

Nice to write to you again.


一、1 5 DBCAB 6 10 CABDA 11 15 DCABD

二、(A) 16 20 BDACB (B) 21 25 BABAA

三、A) 26. but 27. short 28. sale 29. finish 30. question

B) 31. hers 32. easy 33. Vegetables 34. eighteen 35. hours

C) 36. ninth 37. libraries 38. looks 39. them 40. has

四、41. ask; for 42. sounds boring 43. this term 44. Saturday afternoon

45. September 10th

五、46. Can I help you? / What can I do for you? 47. When is his birthday?

48. How old is he? 49. What color does he like? 50. How much are they?


My school life

Dear Sally,

Nice to write to you again. Now let me tell you about my school life. I like to eat hamburgers, chicken and vegetables at school. They are good for me. I play sports for about two hours every day. I often play tennis and volleyball with my friends. They are difficult but interesting. I have some subjects every day. My favorite subjects are music and biology. Music is interesting. I can sing many songs. Biology is fun and useful. I like my school life.

Best wishes,








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05网免费提供各类练习与测试答案,请牢记零五网网址:05W CC 2017年天津市中小学暑假时间:2017年7月10日至8月31日。天津市教委关于印发中小学2016~2017学年度教学行政历的通知各区、县教育局,各直属学校,天铁集团教委:现将2016~2017学年度的学年编制计划和教学行政历印发试卷与练习
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05网免费提供各类练习与测试答案,请牢记零五网网址:05W CC 多学习英语先从单词开始,出国留学网小编为大家带来了七年级上册英语单词表,一起来看下吧。七年级上册英语单词表Unit 1my pron 我的name n 名字is v 是names = name is 名字是clock n 试卷与练习
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05网免费提供各类练习与测试答案,请牢记零五网网址:05W CC 本内容由七年级上册试卷栏目提供,想查看更多内容可继续浏览初一上学期试题栏目。 七年级英语上期期末考试试题一 单项选择, 从A B C 中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共计15分)( )1、----How are you ?----__试卷与练习
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