

六年级练习与测试答案 |







六年级上册语文试卷 | 六年级上册数学试卷 | 六年级上册英语试卷


一、在A、B、C、D四个选项中,划线部分读音相同的画 ? ,不相同的画 ? 。(6 2 )

( )1.A.robot B.running C. lot D. lunch

( )2.A.read B.cheap C. clean D. dream

( )3.A.prize B.decide C. ninth D. night

( )4.A.where B.air C. were D. there

( )5.A.first B.second C. whose D. space

( )6.A.who B.why C.what D.white

二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 2 )

1.We (go)to the store yesterday.

2.Ken was (第二)in the running race.

3.Tom s mother (have)a nice jacket.

4.Ann didn t win a p ,she was sad.

5.Astronauts went to space in a .

6.John the room last night.

7.I my friend yesterday.

8.What Li Ming (do)last Saturday?

9.Last Saturday,I many apples.

10.The m goes round(围绕)the Earth.

三、单项选择。(10 2 )

( )1.It Sunday yesterday.

A. is B. was C. were

( )2.Ken and Ann go to school yesterday.

A. didn t B. did C. weren t

( )3.Yang Li Wei is China s astronaut in space.

A. one B. first C. second

( )4. were Wang Mei and Li Ming last Sunday?

They were at the swimming pool.

A、What B、Who C、Where

( )5.Ken the room yesterday.He was sick.

A、wasn"t clean B、didn"t clean C、didn"t cleaned

( )6.We had a great time at the park .

A、tomorrow B、on Sundays C、yesterday afternoon

( )7. Did you clean the classroom this room?

版#~*^网 .I was sick at home.

A、Yes,I did B、No,I didn t C、No,I wasn t

( )8. Mocky to do the high jump.

A、decided B、want C、went

( )9.We are afraid of Miss Li she is very friendly.

A、 because B、but C、and

( )10.In the high jump,Mocky came .

A、last B、second C、first

四、从II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的答语。(6 2 )


1.What did Li Ming do yesterday?

2.Who was first?

3.Did Ann run in the race yesterday?

4.What did you do?

5.Where does she go to last week?

6.Did you eat any nice food?

五、按要求完成句子。(5 3 )

1. Kate had a dream last night (变为否定句)

2. Monday at were they school not last(连词成句)

3.I watched a soccer game on TV last night(对划线部分提问)


4.school day yesterday was sports (连词成句)

5. Spaceship were in they her a in dream (连词成句)

六、阅读理解。(5 3 )

On the morning,Ann"s Dad came back from Germany.Ken and Mom went to the airport(飞机场) to meet him.Ann saw Dad first and ran to him quickly .She wanted to help Dad with his bag .Soon Ann came back with a blue bag,but it wasn t Dad s bag .Dad s bag was brown .Ann went away again. This time she came back with a brown bag.But it wasn t Dad s bag,either.Because there were women s clothes in it.A woman walked to them.She had a brown bag in her hand,but it wasn t hers.Finally Ann gave her brown bag to the woman and the woman gave her brown bag to Dad.

1. Where did Ann s Dad come back?

He came back from_______.

A.China B.Germany C.England

2. How did Dad come back?


A.By bus B.By car C.By plane

3. Who wanted to help Dad with his bag?


A. Ann B.Ken C.Ann s mother

4. What color was Dad s bag?


A.Blue B.Brown C.Black

5.The second time(次) Ann came back with_______bag.

A.Dad s B.a man s C.a woman s



二、1.went 2.second 3.has 4.prize 5.spaceship 6.cleaned 7.visited 8.did do 9.ate 10. moon

三、1 5 B A B C B 6 10 C A A B C

四、1.E 2.B 3.A 4.F 5.D 6.C

五、1. Kate didn t have a dream last night.

2.They were not at school last Monday.

3.What did you do last night?

4.Yesterday was school sports day.

5.They were in a spaceship in her dream.

六、B C A B C









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