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After nearly four days of silence from top executives on the unfolding controversy around Cambridge Analytica"s misuse of user data, Facebook on Tuesday made a statement about what Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg are doing. “Mark, Sheryl and their teams are working around the clock to get all the facts and take the appropriate action moving forward, because they understand the seriousness of this issue,” Facebook told The Daily Beast.

有关科技公司Cambridge Analytica盗用脸书用户数据的争论铺天盖地,脸书在沉寂四天后于周二发表声明,写明首席执行官的行踪:“扎克伯格和桑德伯格团队一直在马不停蹄地搜集证据,采取适当行动解决问题,他们都知道这件事非常严重。”脸书告诉媒体每日野兽网(The Daily Beast)。

“The entire company is outraged we were deceived. We are committed to vigorously enforcing our policies to protect people"s information and will take whatever steps are required to see that this happens.”


The company"s statement is notable for three reasons. One, it escalates the emotional tone of Facebook"s response — on Friday, it called Cambridge Analytica"s actions “unacceptable”; today they are an outrage. Two, the statement frames the story as a deception in which Facebook was not the bad actor but the victim. Three, it buys the company time amid growing demands to hear from Zuckerberg himself.

脸书的声明非常出名,出于以下三点原因:一,声明中情绪逐渐激烈。周五,脸书对Cambridge Analytica的行为称之为“不可接受”,今天已经说它是恶行了。二,声明中提到这是一场骗局,脸书没有指导任何行为,是彻头彻尾的受害者。三,大家都要求扎克伯格发声时,脸书给了Cambridge Analytica足够的时间。

CEO Zuckerberg and COO Sandberg have drawn criticism for their silence in the face of mounting concern about Facebook"s response to revelations about Cambridge Analytica. The company, which served as Donald Trump"s data operations team during the 2016 election, has been accused of improperly obtaining data from academic researcher Aleksandr Kogan and using it to harvest information about more than 50 million user profiles.

大家都在关注脸书会对Cambridge Analytica的行为作何回应,首席执行官扎克伯格和首席运营官桑德伯格的沉寂招致了骂名。Cambridge Analytica在美国2016年大选时是特朗普的数据操控团队,被控告从学术研究员阿莱克三德·寇根处盗用数据,以此获取了5千万脸书用户的信息。

Zuckerberg may be working around the clock, but he is expected to address employees on Friday during the company’s regular Q&A session for employees, The Verge has learned. The meeting is scheduled to take place at 1P ET.

媒体《The Verge 》报道,扎克伯克可能是忙得连轴转,但是他应该在周五的例常脸书问答会上对员工作出解释。会议将于美国东部时间周五下午一点开始。


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