

短语俚语 |








1.Open-minded – willing to consider ideas and opinions that are different to your own.Parents these days need to be a lot more open-minded if they are to have a more meaningful relationship with their teenagers.

2.Narrow-minded – the opposite of the above, that is, you’re NOT willing to accept ideas or opinions that are different from your own.It is virtually impossible to make progress with such narrow-minded directors in this company.

3.Have something/a lot on your mind – to be worried about somethingA: Are you all right? You look tired.
B: I’ve had a lot on my mind recently and it’s keeping me awake at night.

4.Out of sight, out of mind – when you don’t see somebody/something for a long time, it’s easy to forget about it or him/her. (It’s a saying)It’s important to have regular contact with someone, for, as the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind, and you wouldn’t want that, would you?

5.Mind your own business – this what you tell someone when you don’t want them to interfere in your affairs (It’s informal and can be used humorously or seriously depending on the situation so be careful how you use this)A: Where have you been?
B: Mind your own business!

6.Be in two minds about something – to be undecided about somethingI am in two minds about whether to go to the party on Saturday or not.

7.Make up your mind – to decide or make a decisionWe cannot wait any longer, you’re going to have to make up your mind about what you want to do.Make up your mind! Do you want toast or cereal?

8.Change your mind – make a new decision or opinion from your old one.If you do change your mind about meeting, just give me a call.

9.Bear something in mind – to remember a piece of information when making a decisionWhen calculating the budget, you need to bear in mind the extra building costs.

10.Never mind – an expression to say “it doesn’t matter” or it’s not importantA: Oh, I have run out of milk. I’ll go and get some.
B: Never mind, I’m happy to drink black coffee.

11.To be bored out your mind – extremely boredThe meeting went on for hours. By the end of it, I was bored out of my mind.

12.Out of your mind a) you’re unable to behave normally because something has made you worried, unhappy or angry
She nearly went out of her mind with worry when her daughter didn’t arrive home.
I’d go out of my mind if I had to do her job.b) extremely stupid or mentally ill (informal)
Are you out of your mind?! I’d never pay £500 for a ticket to watch Arsenal.

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